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Cheeky Tinted Blobs: A Procedurally Generated Unity 2D Background

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I’m following along with @pentadact’s tutorial video here (You can see the finished result around 6 minutes into the video).

The goal

What we want to do here is to generate a splotchy blurred out nebular (-lous?) background. Without going into to too much detail, I’m interested in something that would go well underneath a procedurally generated space station map.

The algorithm

The algorithm @pentadact describes works like this:

  1. Draw a faint white blob
  2. Tint the blob one of two randomly generated colors
  3. Randomly place the tinted blobs

How it works

The blobs are white, which is represented in RGB color as 100% in all three values (black is 0%). This corresponds to 255 in 8-bit colorspace and 1.0 in Unity’s colorspace. Since the blobs are faint, the actual RGB values will approach, but not reach 100%.

When we apply a tint to the blobs’ sprites we are essentially multiplying each of the RGB values by our desired color’s value. The resulting value will approach the full intensity of the color as our raw blob approaches 100% white, if that makes sense. So the result is a faint blob of any desired color we want.

The colored blobs overlap each other, generating interesting patterns of lighter and darker mixtures of the two colors.


I fired up my favorite image editing program and made a 256 x 256 png blob sprite. Using the airbrush tool, I plopped a blob in the middle of the canvas.

The settings I used were:

  • 128 pixel diameter
    • To avoid any artifacts around the edges of the canvas
  • Very soft hardness
    • To avoid sharp edges
  • 20% opacity
    • To help with blending later on

Setting the scene, blob prefab

Back in Unity, create a fresh 2D project and imported the blob sprite. We drag the sprite into the scene to create a GameObject with the blob sprite.

We then add a Sorting Layer named Blobs and set the sprite’s sorting layer to Blobs. While we’re at it, we also create a sorting layer named BG behind the Blobs layer for the background.

We name the GameObject Blob and drag it to the Prefabs directory, creating a prefab from it.

Blob prefab in hand, we still needed a couple more pieces to prepare the scene.


We create a black Background UI object and set the X scale and Y scale to 1000, to be sure Background covered the whole screen. We then set the sorting layer of the sprite to BG. Remember how we set that layer up earlier? How prescient!

One GameObject To Hold Them All

We’re planning to create a whole metric ton of blobs, so we create a Blobs GameObject to hold all of the blobs. By setting the instantiated blob’s transform.parent to the Blobs.transform all of the instantiated blobs fall under the parent Blobs GameObject and it keeps the Hierarchy in our Scene nice and tidy.


We have a background, a Blob prefab and even a GameObject that will hold all of the blobs we plan to create. Now we just need to make a BlobGenerator script to randomly place the blobs.

The BlobGenerator takes a reference to the Blob Prefab, a reference to the parent Blobs GameObject, an integer number of blobs to create, and maximum and minimum coordinates to control the spread of the created blobs.

The BlobGenerator generates two random colors using a function called RandomColor,

Color RandomColor() {
    return new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);

Which it then zips up into an array called colors. Random.value returns a random float between 0.0 and 1.0, which we use to generate a new Color.

Then the BlobGenerator gets into the main routine, PlaceBlobs.

Briefly, PlaceBlobs instantiates clones of the blob prefab at random positions within the maximum and minimum boundaries we specify, makes the cloned blob a child of the parent Blobs GameObject, and sets the color tint of the cloned blob to one of the two colors generated above.

void PlaceBlobs() {
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBlobs; i++) {
        GameObject blockClone = Instantiate(blobPrefab,
                                            new Vector3(Random.Range(xMin, xMax),
                                                        Random.Range(yMin, yMax),
                                            Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        SpriteRenderer sprite = blockClone.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        blockClone.transform.parent = blobs.transform;
        sprite.color = colors[Random.Range(0, colors.Length)];

That’s all there is to it. You can check out the full example project on github.

Moving forward

It would be nice to have more fine-grained control over the local density of the blobs in certain regions, so the map would become a little less uniform, creating pockets of character in an otherwise featureless space. But I think the effect here works nice as a background.
